Just Call Me Queenie

They call me the queen…


The queen of procrastination. If there’s something that can be put off, ten-to-one, that’s just what I’ll do. It’s not because I’m lazy, it’s not because I don’t want to do; it’s just because it’s not needed yet. Most people will put things off; it’s just a natural trait we all seem to have. Of course there are exceptions; the ones that, as soon as they get an assignment or task, they have to tackle it right away. I should know, I live with someone like that.

Then there’s the people who tend to be more like me. I put things off, sometimes even waiting until the very last second. But you know what; I seem to do my best work when I’m under just a bit of stress. It seems that when I have lots of time I don’t concentrate as hard.


Some task are put off because you don’t want to do, or because they are not exactly the most pleasant things that have to be done. Other projects are put off because of time management and even more tasks are put off because you don’t want to see something end. For instance I know I have to get my pictures ready for my sons graduation; but knowing that I have to put that all together is one thing, doing it is acknowledging that my son is leaving childhood and is now a young man going off to college. Not all mothers will be able to handle that very well.

There are other task that you put off unintentionally, you simply forget they were due. Then, I will agree, there is a mad dash to get things done and sometimes it may not be done as well as you would like to see them done. But- they ARE done.

So to all of you out there who tackle your tasks as soon you get them; just remember chances are there’s more procrastinators out there than you’re aware. I would even hazard a guess that we out-number you. So to each his own; whatever makes you happy, whatever gets the job done, whatever helps you move forward.


Here’s my question to you;

what job or task are you procrastinating on right now?

Music for the Moods


The music we listen to The music we listen to can define who you are; it can tell others all about your personality without your even uttering a word. You might be somebody who loves oldies, or you could be the other extreme and hard rock it your thing. Maybe a bit of jazz set your mood, or maybe some hip-hop will get you to dance. Of course, a lot of will depends upon your age, background and your upbringing, but ultimately each one of us will pick her own style of music that we live by. This will define our character, for each one of us will pick our own music that we listen and live by. But have you ever noticed how the music you listen to can also define your mood or the environment around you. On a cold day it’s overcast and dreary, you might find yourself listening to some classical or jazz music while you sit in front of a warm fire. On a sunny day, while we are heading to the beach the musical will be upbeat and have your feet tapping along with it. If it is sad mood you find yourself in, then you might be listening to something a bit more dark and dreary .Happy mood? You might have the tunes set to song choices that make you smile and sing along. For that more serious mood, you might be listening to classical or nature sounds.


I find that as a writer that the type of music I was listen to while I’m writing will depend upon vastly the part of the story that I’m writing. If I’m laying groundwork or outline of a new book, for instance, I’m going to be listening to something that just easy-going; often for me that would be sounds of nature set to beautiful instrumental music in the background. However, if I’m working diligently on a critical part of the story I’m going to have more dramatic music in the background; typically I listen to strong instrumentals for that part of the story. If I’m writing a more emotional piece then I’m probably going to be listening to Jazz. Writing about a tropical beach scene I probably have some Jimmy Buffett or Beach Boys playing. And when I finish the book is celebratory music all the way something loud and happy, and maybe just a little crazy (for me). Some old hard rock to just let loose works perfectly for these times. But my mood when I’m writing changes from chapter to chapter, so my iPod is fully loaded with a wide variety to provide me with just the right music for the mood at that moment. So what about you? You may not be a writer, but I bet we can listen to your music selection at almost any time and find out what kind of mood you might be in.



Think about it… what are you playing right now?

The Best Gift Should be from the Heart!



With Mother’s Day fast approaching, I thought I’d offer some advice from a Mother’s perspective. We all know that you what to get your mother a gift that will show her how much you love her and appreciation all that she does for everyone in your house; from the kids to the hubby and even those pets that are the children’s, yet somehow it’s Mom who takes care of them. And every mother will tell you the no matter how expensive the gift, if it’s comes with love; it comes with so much more meaning. From the most primitive little drawing from your child’s coloring book to that exaggerate diamond necklace picked up by a husband and son; the gift doesn’t matter – it’s what comes from the heart. But it’s not just on Mother’s Day that these gifts can means so much. An unexpected token of love can come at the at the most unexpected times filling your eyes with tears and putting a catching your voice.

The simple bouquet picked by your child (usually out of your own garden) handed to you with excitement and hopefulness on under their face; hoping that you will accept the gift of love and appreciate it for the thought, can make your whole day. And if your husband was to simply say “I’ve got this” as he picks up the vacuum and vacuum the floor, or pulls up the grill and proceeds to make dinner for the family, then that can be the gift that she will soon be telling all her friends about.

Every person has their own unique talents and when those gifts are a reflection of your talents you’re not only giving gifts, you’re giving a memory. For example my husband is a great gardener and this past week he tore out a section of our existing landscaping created a private little garden for me to look out and enjoy from my office window. He even took the time to put my orchids up (hanging from the tree) and flowers in the ground so every time I look up my window I think of him and I smile.

So remember to treat every day as if it is mother’s day or father’s day or a birthday or grandparent’s day. Take a moment use your hidden talents and create something for them; a flower bouquet, a sentimental note, prepare dinner without you expecting it, a bedroom cleaned up without having to be asked, a car wash; the list goes on.

Just remember; the simple things in life are the greatest gifts all.th5WH3JWIM

Tell Me A Story!

Tell me a story…


“Tell me a story”, these words can create a wonderfully bonding experience between a child and their parent. And what parent doesn’t want to have that tender memory. Many of us spent hours reading to our children when they were young. Our children became great readers because they grew up with the foundation of being read to. Every night we could be found reading our own favorite stories to them; God knows, I read Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Seuss to my son so many times, that now 18 years later I can still recite it.


There are so many wonderful books out there that can teach children how to read and provide gentle life lessons and the basics of how to communicate. But how lucky is the child that has the parent who can create their own stories! Stories that will be a special memory for the two of them. This pre-school experience of creating a story from nothing will stick with the child for years because they’ll know that their father or mother created that story for them just on a whim.

I can remember my son showing me something like a picture of seashell or flower and asking a question about the story behind it. The bumblebee sitting in a trip at a flower would bring a string of questions like; “What’s it doing mommy? Where’s it going to go next? Why does it stop that flower?” As any parent knows, once the questions begin, they can be never-ending, especially at bedtime! But if you can create a story from just one of those random thoughts, your child will remember it for years, and as an adult you might be surprised to hear them reciting your made-up story to their own children.

As a writer as a challenge to look at a picture and see beyond the still life in front of you. It becomes a source of incentive, imagination, and inspiration. To look at the picture and create a story from it, is a gift to be used and shared. Just what the writer creates can be something wonderful. Think about it; you can make up your own country, your own world, and your own grand adventures. You can create a tale that tells the story between a husband and wife, brother and sister, or best friends.


So my challenge to you; create a story for your child, create a story for yourself, create a story to share with the world.
There is a picture out there just waiting for you to put it to words!