The Holidays are Here!

The turkey has been carved, pies devoured and the annual Macy’s parade enjoyed by all.


And now the holidays have officially begun!

Black Friday sales are drawing the crowds in, list are being filled and the Christmas decorations are being pulled out of storage. For the next month there will be a special energy all around us. Children will be in awe of the sights and sounds, families will take the time to be together and friends will spent extra time with each other, sharing the joy of the season.


So, with during this wonderful time of the year, where do you find the time to meet your writing goals? Each writer has their own priorities and habits of writing. Some will stick to their regiment without fail, others will adjust for the season.

For me, the meaning of Christmas is far more important than a daily word count. If you can’t enjoy the special things going on around you, how can you possible write about them? There are magical things that happen during the Christmas holidays that shouldn’t be missed. From the peace of a candlelit church service, filled with joyful songs and praise, to the time spent with family and friends. Cooking (and the dreaded cleaning) decorating the house, putting up the tree and stringing the lights outside are traditional acts for most Americans. Writing out the Christmas Cards or sending well meaning wishes over the internet bring you closer to others. Laughing with your neighbors, sneaking into the house presents that need wrapping and quiet evenings enjoying the finished tree are all part of my holidays.

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So for me these things will come first. Writing will be pushed to late night. Then I can sit and concentrate, listening to Christmas music and staring at the small tree in my office. Inspiration will come-or it won’t. But I will enjoy the blessings of the season to the fullest and be thankful for every new memory that is made.

Who knows; those memories may find themselves written into a scene somewhere down the road…

About the photos:
Copyright: <a href=’’>amarosy / 123RF Stock Photo</a>
Copyright: <a href=’’>romrodinka / 123RF Stock Photo</a>
Copyright: <a href=’’>alexraths / 123RF Stock Photo</a>

The path of Good Intentions

Good intentions and self-promises get in the way of your ever-ending quest for happiness.

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Copyright: <a href=’’>reddogs / 123RF Stock Photo</a>

Because no matter how hard we try, something always falls through the crack. Now, you’re scrambling to make everybody happy— including yourself.

I’m so guilty of that.  One thing I’ve done to overcome it, is to make daily goals lists.

I used to laugh at people I know who do that every night, getting ready for the next morning. I would think to myself “what’s so hard about remembering what to do?” But not so much anymore-I’ve started making my own lists.

I don’t know if its age catching up with me, or just life getting so complicated, but I find on the days I don’t do a to-do list, I’m lost I feel like a rat running around in circles— well maybe a mouse.


Copyright: <a href=’’>creativenature / 123RF Stock Photo</a>

As an author, I must separate my to-do lists. I have one for everyday/work, and one for writing. My writers’ list can be anything from points of research I need, to outlining a chapter, or creating a character/setting sheet.

Unfortunately, my writer’s to-do list  tends to be the last thing that gets attention, but someday that will change. In the meantime, I check things off happily as I get them done. What doesn’t get done today, I put at the top of the list for tomorrow? Maybe someday I’ll catch up.

I’m not an organized person, but this is helping. At least it’s helping me feel more in control. Also, it helps me realize what is a priority and what is something that can be delegated or just isn’t necessary. It’s amazing how much busy work we give ourselves.But nobody cares about it. The busy work is not as important as you think.  Nobody will notice if it’s not done, so stuff like that goes to the bottom of the list and will often stay there. It then becomes part of the “someday” list.

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 Copyright: <a href=’’>rawpixel / 123RF Stock Photo</a>

 So get out those post-it notes, daily planner, or use one of those fancy apps on your phone: you have a list to make for tomorrow.