It’s a Writers 4 Letter Word

There’s a new four letter word that should be added to the dictionary. It would have to be classified as a one of those awful swearwords. E.D. I. T.!!

Now don’t get me wrong I know its important essential part of every author’s craft, but that doesn’t mean you have to like it. Because, I sure don’t! For me, I would rather write story, letting the words flow as my thoughts wander to fill that empty page with words.
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And but commonsense and experience has shown me that I can write all the flowing words I want. However, if they’re not edited properly, they end up making a massive mess on paper.
By nature I’m a terrible speller, so what I say when I’m dictating or what I’m writing out phonetically may not always be the proper way the word should be used. Grammar is a science and there are those that should be noble prize winners at editing. And then there are those like me who need to find a good editor.

No matter how good you are, I’ve heard many people say that it’s almost impossible to edit your own works. And I can attest to this. As you’re reading your own words your mind sees what they should be not what they actually are on the screen in front of you. I’m amazed at the mistakes that I find when I have my words read back to me. It’s definitely not what I thought I had written!

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It goes without saying that I have a huge amount of respect and admiration for a good editor. Be it an online editor, or proofreader they are invaluable to the writer. As fairly new writer with only two books behind me, I know that the editors I have used have caught major mistakes before I had gone to publish. And I am so thankful for them.

So as anxious as you are to publisher works and have all your friends and family and readers get access to your book and read it – hold off until it’s probably edited. It’s worth the investment in both time and money. You’ll find your reviews on the books are better and your readers will enjoy the book.
Hopefully they’ll looking for your next one.

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3 thoughts on “It’s a Writers 4 Letter Word

  1. I hate first draft writing. My favorite part of the process is actually the editing. I pull out my beat sheets and spreadsheets and move entire chunks of story. This is the time when I actually feel like a god–controlling the fate of my story. And yes, having the help of trusted editors are essential in this business.

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